Connect your WordPress application to a Firebase database

Firebase is a real-time non-reiational database provided by google. You can create this database under your google account. You can access the db directly through javascript and other technologies. You do not need to create the structure/schema of the database as you normally have to do in case of relational databases. You can save the […]

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Blockchain: The Emerging Technology That’s Changing the World

What is Blockchain? The simplest definition of blockchain is that “the blockchain is distributed, digital ledger.” One of the key features of the blockchain is that it is a “Distributed Database” that is to say, the database exists in multiple copies across multiple computers. A couple of references will further help elaborate it: “The blockchain […]

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Internet of Things

Since its inception the Internet is continuously changing and evolving. The main communication model of present Internet is human-to-human. The Internet of Things (IoT) can be considered as the future dimension of the Internet that realizes machine-to-machine (M2M) communication. This way, IoT provides connectivity for everyone and everything. The IoT embeds some intelligence in Internet-connected […]

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