BIOS Vs UEFI Firmware – A Rudimentary Understanding

Present in all IBM-Compatible personal computers, BIOS (Basic Input Output System – pronounced “bye-ose”) has been around since the late 1970s. On virtually every computer in the market, the BIOS makes sure all the other CPU and all other Ancillary components; chips, hard drives, ports and system bus etc. function in collaboration. Note that some […]

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Software Architecture Vs Design Enigma

Software development has a flagrant history of project failures and has earned an overall reputation as an unplanned, unorganized and naïve craft. Owing to that the questions of inefficient, less productive, less-scalable, and expensive products have been surfacing time and time again. Unfortunately this negative reputation it has earned – has been achieved through a […]

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Get All Users From The ACL Of A Notes Database

HCL Notes (formerly IBM Notes) provides access to ACL through a pretty useful dialog window under Notes Client. The authorized user can perform several actions like viewing existing database users, their access levels and assigned roles. They can add and remove users and grant rights and roles to them as per the requirements. Viewing and […]

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MS Excel Trick: Calculate Difference Between Two Dates

The formula below subtracts one date (ketp in B1) from another (kept in B2) and divides by 365. The INT function then eliminates the decimal part of the result: =INT((B2-B1)/365) Although it servers the purpose to a large extent but if there’s a matter of accuracy, it fails because it divides by average number of […]

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