CutePDF Writer – Convert Any Document to PDF Absolutely Free

Just click Print and select CutePDF Writer as your printer. It’s that simple. Select a file in any application that prints and open it. Choose “File” > “Print” Choose “CutePDF Writer” as the printer in the print dialog box, and click “Print”(Do Not select “Print to File” option.) Enter a new file name for your […]

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Android 12 Lets You Control Your Phone With Facial Gestures

A new accessibility feature that is being introduced with Android 12 allows you to control your screen using facial gestures: raise eyebrows, smile, open mouth, look up, look left, look right. This feature, called “Camera switches,” uses the phone’s camera to watch for these gestures and allows them to signal simple screen operations… More Source: […]

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PDF File Writer C# Class Library (Version 1.27.0)

PdfFileWriter PDF File Writer is a C# .NET class library – it allows you to create PDF files directly from your .net application. The library shields you from the details of the PDF file structure. To use the library, you need to add a reference to the attached PdfFileWriter.dll class library file… Source:

Continue Reading – Use of Words and Phrases in Sentences

Use of provided words and phrases in sentences. Extremely useful for English learners, content writers and bloggers. Enter a word or phrase and click Search button. It will not only provide at least a dozen of sentences along with synonyms and similar words. You can also search through google if you click “Vauge search(google)” checkbox. […]

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