Cool Libraries For ASP.NET Core Tool-Belt

  .NET Core is a well-known and robust open-source framework for developing software applications of nearly all kinds. It offers a vast, but well-organized ecosystem of libraries and tools to help developers streamline and ease out their development process. In this context, several popular .NET libraries have gained significant traction among developers – offering a […]

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Software Architecture Vs Design Enigma

Software development has a flagrant history of project failures and has earned an overall reputation as an unplanned, unorganized and naïve craft. Owing to that the questions of inefficient, less productive, less-scalable, and expensive products have been surfacing time and time again. Unfortunately this negative reputation it has earned – has been achieved through a […]

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5G – The Key Player of The Next Digital Revolution

Mobile data traffic is speculated to exceed traffic from wired devices in the next couple of years. This emerging phenomenon will be empowered by revolutionary 5G radio network technology with a focus on application-driven connectivity. 5G, or fifth-generation technology, is the next generation of wireless network technology. Over the past 35 years each G or […]

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